Christmas Decor Fundraiser
Go to Lynch Creek Farm to check out the array of Christmas Decor Options. 15% of ALL SALES goes to AMPA.
Vineyard Vines Shopping Event
Join us for the Vineyard Vines Shopping Event on December 3rd from 3:30-5:30pm.
Shoppers will receive 10% off and AMPA will get 10%.
If you are working or can’t attend, call in your order and then swing by before the store closes to complete the transaction.
Happy Shopping!
"Dine Out" at Rubios
Support American Martyrs Rubio's fundraiser. Bring in the flyer, order online at or through our mobile app and enter promo code “RubiosDonates” at checkout. 30 percent goes back to AMS.
American Martyrs Parents Association (AMPA)
American Martyrs Parents Association (AMPA) is dedicated to building good communication among home, school, and parish and to initiating and supporting activities that provide service to school and parish.
AMPA plans community-building activities to maintain a positive school climate and educational programs. AMPA membership is drawn entirely from the parents of the pupils attending the school, the Principal, and the Pastor. However, support for AMPA activities is welcome from all parish and community members.